Rache's Avernum 3 Site
Upper Golem Factory


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Upper Golem Factory, Monoroe Province

  1. Stairs to/from Golem Factory
  2. Control Panel
  3. Spawning Crystals
  4. Lever turns off four beams in main western corridor;  You can only have the beams turned off in one corridor at a time
  5. Lever turns off four beams in main southern corridor;  You can only have the beams turned off in one corridor at a time
  6. Lever turns off beams in main eastern corridor;  You can only have the beams turned off in one corridor at a time
  7. Lever turns off beams in main northern corridor;  You can only have the beams turned off in one corridor at a time
  8. Item Augmentors;  Need Move Mountains for northern one, Dispel Barrier for southern one
  9. Secret Passage
  10. Magery Mind Crystal
  11. Energy Pulse Mind Crystal
  12. Xian Chain Mail;  Need Move Mountains to get through wall
  13. Resistance Mind Crystal
  14. Stairs to/from Golem Control Spire

Please note that I haven't marked the locations of Golems or items other than very special ones on the map.  If you want to, take the time to explore, as there's quite a few items on this level, including a lot of potion-making herbs, some weapons, scrolls, etc.
When you first enter this level your objective is the control panel in the far southeastern corner.  Make your way to the control panel and when you arrive look at the buttons carefully.  You want to turn off Grid Alpha and Grid Beta, so push those buttons, making sure that they read as being off.  If you want to destroy the Spawning Crystals on this level and the Golem Factory level you should also push Shielding First and Shielding Second.  Again, check to make sure they're set to off, as one of them needs to be pushed twice.
Once you've done that you should return to Under Golem Factory to disable the fourth Golem Spire, and then make your way to the Golem Control Spire to finish the quest.  Once you've completed the Control Spire the beams in this level will be deactivated, making it much easier to explore without dying.
Use the map to find the locations of the major items on this level, as well as the locations of all the Spawning Crystals.  There's a lot of Golems on this level, but there's also more than a few good items lying around.